
Migration of tracking data

If the tracking adpater should be switched you have to follow these steps:

  1. The new adapter has to be configured with the option $this->aOxSearchTracking in config.inc.php. An older colfiguration should be renamed to $this->aFormerOxSearchTracking.
  2. The new system can be activated in the backend under Extensions > OXSEARCH-Setup.

    Initilizing the adapter

  3. Existing data can be migrated:

    Migrate data

    This can take a while.

    Migrating data

  4. After migration the option $this->aFormerOxSearchTracking should be removed from config.inc.php.

Migration from version 3.6.3 or older to 3.7.0+

  1. The OXSEARCH settings should be saved by clicking the corresponding button in backend.
  2. The module has to be deactivated before the update and reactivated afterwards.
  3. To migrate the existing tracking data, the option$this->aFormerOxSearchTracking = array('adapter' => 'marm_oxsearch_intable_tracking'); has to be added to config.inc.php and the steps 3 and 4 above should be executed.
  4. If the block details_productmain_title is missing in template page/details/inc/productmain.tpl following code should be added to the detail page template:

    [{include file="widget/tracking.tpl" product=$oDetailsProduct key="requested" delay=10000}]

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